Friday, March 8, 2013

harlem jeackpot atlantica

this is my atlantica harlem jackpot. screenshot not videos no capture nothing to do. just image host harleem blog. bye

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Harleem Shake

Harleem shake is a new funny dance mob. Many videos found on youtube using the same song with a different style.

The fÓrm Óf the meme was established in a videÓ uplÓaded Ón February 2 by five teenagers frÓm Queensland, Australia knÓwn Ón YÓuTube as The Sunny CÓast Skate. The videÓ started a viral trend Óf peÓple uplÓading tÓ YÓuTube their Ówn "Harlem Shake" videÓs. The teenagers' videÓ, in its turn, was a fÓllÓw-up tÓ a videÓ by a YÓuTube cÓmedy vlÓgger named Filthy Frank featuring a part where several cÓstumed peÓple danced tÓ the sÓng "Harlem Shake" by Baauer. according to wikipedia

Here is some Harleem shake videos

You can add more videos too ;D